help with gemFighter

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    idk if this should be in this part of teh forums but i didn't see one for gem fighter well anyway to the question.. i get this werid message everytime i try to launch gemfighter and it's not in Korean either and i was wondering if anyone had any solutions or fix's that could aid me *****************************************************

    i hope someone can help me and if not ty anyway =]

    you probably have a old versoin of gem fighter and when u try to launch it on ur desktop, it says in korean "go to gemfighter and click the launch button" or IMO thats would it WOULD say.

    Basically, you can only start GF by logging into the website, then click the go button on the top left to start Gemfighter up.
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