1 head feather, 1 long blue rare spiked wristband,1 short blue rare spiked wrist band, 1 long green spiked wristband, 1 short yellow spiked wristband, 1 brown cupid wings, 1 black cupid wings, 4 feather mask, 3 top hats, 2 beards,1 jamaaliday branch antles, 2 snowflake boots,3 eyeball hats, 1 white flaming jack o lantern mask, 1 black and white skeleton suit, 1 rare witch hat, 2 rhino helmets, 3 mech angel helments colors include 1 black and 2 light blue,1 whole pink rocker outfit,1 spring party hat, and 2 designer skirts.If interested in this bundle please email [email protected]