Sold 40.9k+ Gems! Duel Links Beginner Account UR/SR Tickets; 2 Enemy Controller + more!

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by sachhoc12, 8/29/19.

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  1. sachhoc12

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    discord: sachhoc12#5280 (get 10% off if you buy directly from me without middleman)


    Great for people who want to have a good start in the game but don't want to grind several hours. I did the grinding and log-in bonuses each day, so it has accumulated onto the account. There are 40.9k+ gems if you count the extra gems in the inbox that accumulate if your gem count exceeds 9999. I manually counted the gems in the inbox and there are ~30920 (note, this may vary +-1000 due to manual count, possible errors), so total gems is 40920 ~ not even counting the special mission gems (~500) or Bingo Mission gems (~400)! Additional gems can be acquired by leveling up the characters. Any expiring gems while this account is not sold will be spent to get Treacherous Trap Hole (Visions of Ice) and Paleozoic Canadia (Valiant Souls), because those are the best staples in the game right now.

    Bonus Cards: 2 Enemy Controller, and other random rares – check out images!

    - UR and SR dream tickets still intact!

    Bonus Skills: Sealed Tombs, Endless Trap Hell, Destiny Draw, Bandit, Baggy Sleeves, Sleight of Hand, The Tie That Binds, Balance & Restart, Draw Senses of all attributes unlocked! There are probably many more that I didn’t mention, but these are guaranteed.

    Like I said, this is a good account for someone who wants to stay playing and wants to have fun playing it. With the advantage of several unlocked characters, along with having all the gems to buy all the packs you want and build your own decks, you can be a strong duelist immediately without hours of grinding.

    *I offer 1-2 of these accounts monthly, so if you would like to reserve for an account with a certain amount of gems, message me your offer. Thanks!

    *Because Konami started linking Duel Link accounts to Steam accounts to try to stop account selling, the account will only work with iOS and Android.

    Konami ID Username and Password will be given after payment within 1-150min if paid between 9:00AM-9:00PM PDT. (If paid outside of those times, it may take up to 12 hours since I’m asleep.) You can change the ID anytime afterward, or data transfer to a new Konami ID.

    Steps for Logging in (DO THIS FIRST):
    1) Load Duel Links app. DO NOT CLICK “Initiate Link!”
    2) Click “Data Transfer” FIRST BEFORE you click “Initiate Link!”
    3) Enter username/password that I messaged you and log in. DO NOT CLOSE Duel Links or browser. Wait for it say “Data Transfer Complete” before closing either. If it doesn’t work within 5 min, re-do the steps starting back from (1).

    Steps for data transferring to a new username/password: (DO THIS SECOND)
    1) Click the Settings (gear icon) once you’re inside the game.
    2) Click “Data Transfer Settings”.
    3) Click “Data Transfer with Konami ID”.
    3) It should open a browser. From there, you can log in to your Konami ID if you already have one, or click “Generate Konami ID” to make a completely new username/password (DO NOT USE THE ACCOUNT/PASSWORD I GAVE YOU—MAKE A NEW ONE. OTHERWISE, IT WILL OVERWRITE AND DELETE THE ACCOUNT I SOLD YOU).

    100% positive feedback -- if you have any issues, just message me. Feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or offers. I can be flexible :) Negative feedback doesn’t solve the issue
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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