Which Scroll? Zin, Shoot, or Bag

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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    Hi I wanted to know which scroll is better out of these three, shoot boxing, zin taekwondo, or baguazhang. I'm getting a scroll for astros. Also I would like a scroll that has good damage and edges easily.

    shoot boxing. preferably. it's really good.

    Shoot is definately better if used well but it is not easy as punches are blocked compared to zin's kicks and its range is mediocre compared to zin. However I noticed that the kicks have huge priority and damage per hit (over zins kicks) and its a scroll that is very pressuring and incredibly damaging if used right

    it also feels great to use, and it has a guard breaker

    its delays and angling are also very inpressive

    Zin is a spam scroll, shoot u actually need skill to win

    I have both and I definately suggest shoot

    bag is really obvious and is very hard to master

    If you're a beginner at this game, try Zin, it does not need any skills to use. for Shoot, I suggest you get it if you're are good at the game, or even pro, cause it does need skills to win with shoot

    btw bag is good for elementalists, so maybe get it if you're that job

    Zin hands down even tho its ez to use its still one of the best scrolls in the game so far

    I've used all 3 scrolls, I have to say Shoot is the best out of the three, but Bag has the most satisfaction if you land those extremely long juggles.

    I am an elementalist. Also as soon as I get my astros Im going to first get green skyhorn with a fighting style. Why should I get bag if im an elementalist? does it have to do with anything? Oh and thanks everyone for the comments. Also, yes i can master the juggling because my friend as zin and I juggled 8 hits without trying. So bag and shoot juggling will not be hard to master.

    If u think bag and shoot juggle is easy, you're dead wrong

    they are the hardest juggles to master atm while Zins is the easiest out of all the astro scrolls

    I had all of these scrolls so far and zin juggle u don't even have to move to do the 10 hit juggle

    DeltaRecruit added 0 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

    when I mean master juggle I mean the 11 hit for shoot and 12 for bag

    true bag and shoot u need to delay to get the combos down si thats y i recommend gettin zin or "Jin Tkd" as it was supposed to be named

    i dont know about which scroll edges the easiest. id just tackle them XD. but so far, Shoot is the hardest for me to fight, namely cause ive only fought against it like, say, 4 times? havent played much =P. i think its really hard to see how many times theyve hit u, so its hard to hit back unless they finish their combos. tough to fight.
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