[Data]Rare Item List 2

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    To use these Codes.

    1. Download ~DarkZones~ Updated # Tables Provided at the bottom

    2. Open it with rumble Fighter

    3. Tick the Item you want to change/Use

    4. Find the Code in 4 byte Below

    5. Go to Item Shop and click Something Random

    6. Then You will Have the item on.

    7. This is to use only for Practice,Boss mode, Zombie mode.


    Stevenramo For Finding a sh1t load of codes

    Lemon Lime, Just cause o.o

    And last but not Least

    Darkzone For his Thoughtfulness , And updated ct ._.


    2030082 Android's

    2030029 Typhoon attacks

    2030054 Sejul's attacks

    2030072 Bunny Boss

    2030014 Dark Haze Ninjitsu / Black Mist

    2030021 Sage Master

    2030023 Male GM Scroll Zin TKD special stance with invincibility frames.

    2030024 Female GM Scroll DHN with special stance,invincibility frames.

    2030066 Wing Chung

    2030081 Dragon Boss

    2030084 Dragon Boss Phase 2

    2030085 Kyokushin Beta

    2030080 Xyu Li Quan

    2030083 Fireball Throwing enemy *Dragon Boss Minion*

    2030091 Bomb? :D

    2030092 Fire Ftw >:D

    2030088 praying mantis

    2030089 Bruce lee


    2040145 "worm boss"

    2030040 Ninja Spirit + Ice Charger

    2040096 Sejul Striker

    2040097 Sejul Soul Fighter

    2040098 Sejul Elementalist

    2040099 Sejul Alchemist

    2040100 Sejul Shaman

    2040087 Typhoon Striker

    2040088 Typhoon Soul Fighter

    2040089 Typhoon Elementalist

    2040090 Typhoon Alchemist

    2040091 Typhoon Shaman

    2040111 Kung ** Tiger

    2040077 Rock man

    2040079 Sakura Fan

    2040105 Bee Hive

    2040106 Soul Scimitar

    2040107 Blood Revolver

    2040109 Darkness

    2040122 Commando Gear

    2040124 Chef

    2040128 Winter General

    2040131 Dragon Boss

    2040130 Android's Exo-Core

    2040133 Android's Exo 2

    2040134 Android

    2040110 Robot

    2040117 Fly boss *Fourth Boss*

    2040086 Nagib's Head

    2040094 Anomaly Stave *EU*

    2040084 Sword of Eternity

    2040085 Staff of Eternity

    2040092 Snowman 2008

    2040132 Snowman 2010

    2040072 Medic/Nurse

    2040081 Storm Bringer *Korean internet cafe exclusive!*

    2040082 L460

    2040101 Seraphim's Mace

    2040102 A16-P

    2040103 Delta Lava

    2040122 Green Soldier

    2040123 Gray Soldier

    2040125 Raven

    2040126 Corn

    2040129 Xero Discus GOLD

    2040040 Saber claw

    2040041 Black Wolf

    2040042 Fire Charger + MAS

    2040043 Thunder Charger + Heavens Fist

    2040108 Wrath of the Spider God

    2040139 We Made Slime Exo Thanks Mushy >:D

    2040140 We Made Gun Exo Thanks Mushy >:D


    1061739 Kuroko "Male Nimonix" *HP/SP/ARM/STR Full*

    1061740 Kuroko "Female Nimonix"-Black

    1061744 Red Kuroko Top Male

    1061745 Red Kuroko Top Female

    1061234 Stardust

    1062734 Mrs. Claus' Coat 60hp 2str 2arm

    1061877 Female Valentines shirt

    1061861 Female Foot Ball shirt-Black&Gold

    1061860 Female Foot Ball shirt-Red&White

    1061857 Male Foot Ball shirt Red&White

    1061858 Male Foot Ball shirt Black&Gold

    1061570 Male Independence Tattoo/Shirt

    1061571 Female Independence Shirt

    1061728 Male Mummy Shirt (Blood)

    1061729 Female Mummy Shirt (Blood)

    1061710 Male Mummy shirt (regular)

    1061711 Female Mummy Shirt (regular)

    1061980 Dark Jester shirt

    1062035 7 Eleven Male

    1062036 7 Eleven Female

    1061939 Patrick's PJ Top

    1061565 Japan. shirt Female

    1061566 Japan. shirt Male

    1061936 Ninja kitty Shirt Green

    1061945 Senty Productions Staff

    1061957 Welcome Back Shirt Male

    1061958 Welcome Back Shirt Female

    1061961 Taekwondo Korea shirt White Male

    1061962 Taekwondo Korea shirt Female

    1061969 Taekwondo Korea shirt Black Male

    1061970 Taekwondo Korea shirt Black Female

    1061987 Rumble Fighter shirt Black

    1061988 Rumble Fighter shirt Female Black

    1061989 Rumble Fighter shirt White

    1061990 Rumble Fighter shirt Female White

    1061991 Rumble Fighter shirt Red

    1061992 Rumble Fighter shirt Female Red

    1061701 Biker shirt Female

    1061703 Vampire shirt Male

    1061704 Vampire shirt Female

    1061749 Pepejero shirt *Hella old,Very rare*

    1061781 Pilgrim shirt Black

    1061782 Pilgrim shirt Female Black

    1061790 OG Planet Staff shirt

    1061791 OG Planet Staff shirt Female

    1061862 Green and yellow safari shirt Ma
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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