Rumble Fighter in Australia? Oo

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    hey guys does anybody knows when Rumble Fighter would be avaliable in Australia cause i really wanna play it =( iT LOOKS SOO KEWLL >

    Im the second!!!! woot!!!! anyway...we dont know yet when it will be out world wide well its already out for japan and korea... u might wanna ask ogplanet at the help desk

    well good luck making # for this game friend cant make it and he good for # so... veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy good *** luk to any1 trying to # this game.


    Rumble Fighter Full Release (U.S. and Canada only)

    Source: *****************************************************

    For us international players, this sucks.

    were u live at?? come over to america =)

    Never, there are no plans to and ogplanet ONLY supports american players. As of right now only korea owns the rights to the game and ogplanet has permission to host it. It's not hard to get on the american version... also for the korean version all you need is a KSSN (I play both)

    google hotspot sheild mate, changes your ip and lets you play it anywhere, btw aussie all da way! (melbourne especialy)

    yea that works but yull get massive lagg like when i play gem fighter it laggs little bit but not enough for me not to hit them
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