ok, i get really fast money by botting, bt the question is, is it safe to # on my main? i personally don't think its really dangerous because once i make a 2 ppl room, only the other botter can come in, and the GM cant, plus they wont know my password. but a lot of botters use their noob for some reason. should i # with my noob? or main? Give me a answer to why you think its better. and can GMs be invisible? so we cant see them when they come into our room. can OGPlanet watch you over a camra or something? like everything everyone does. P.S STOP SPAMMING MY INBOX WITH OMG HOW DO I #? IM NOT TELLING ANYONE! i noticed when u start rumble fighter up a file is made in rumble fighter directory which i think might be sent to ogplanet and it tells what battles u started and who with so they might know.. ok... lemme guess ur that nathaniskorean guy in my MSN? nope im joe o.o and now i need a botting partner oh and guess wat? im korean but im that guy I'm nathaniskorean ._. I don't think it matters, quite a lot of people it seems have been botting and speedhack farming and I don't think anyone has been banned yet. But since you have a good # it wouldn't hurt to make a backup account incase you do get banned? o.o OMFG GIMMEH YOUR BAWT...I'll