actool question

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I need help with ac tool. It works fine on one of my comp (which has windows XP), but on the computer with Vista, it works on everything BUT rumble fighter. I tried it on internet explorer, notepad, but it works on everything but RF. Help? I tried RF in window and w/o window mode

    It just doesn't do anything or is there an error everytime u try to use it?

    yeah, I'm his friend, it just doesn't do anything. nothing at all. No error, nothing at all. The bot is running, but it doesn't affect RF.

    Originally Posted by deadmanwalkin

    yeah, I'm his friend, it just doesn't do anything. nothing at all. No error, nothing at all. The bot is running, but it doesn't affect RF.

    Did u SetActiveWindow to Rumble Fighter? Cuz the same happened to me before but I was able to fix it somehow. Meow!

    Bump, and I tried set active window...doesn't work...It changes the window to RF, but it doesn't move...
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