I keep seeing people saying that their accounts got # how does that even happen? Hacker spent all Astro + Carats. That is so not what I am asking.. What I am asking is how does it Happen? what happens is, the "hackers" (which arnt hackers, they are scammers) make youtube vids saying that they have leet hax that give them free carats and astros, give me your ID and pass and I will # up your account for u, then they go and sell everything and gift there accounts stuff. lol. thats too funny. it is, but i find it a fitting end to people that stupid. those who fall for it are usually kids. i got # by LEEDBLACK and Refine if u find em make friends with them and with me my name is Stak. AND ALSO I DIDNT FALL FOR ANY TRICK... (sorry im pissed off) my account was # and i wasnt even on it. i was playing silkroad for like 3 weeks and not rf then i turned on rf and my account was # leaving me just my exos and no clothes or scrolls How did you get # by them? imma take a wild guess. You gave them password or you got scammed?