Trading  Android WTT Blazing Account for a decent Mid Tier FGO Account

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Keigsvgr3k, 8/27/19.

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  1. Keigsvgr3k

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    Fairly new account with most of the stuff done, you can still earn ALOT more free pearls from upcoming Raids, EM, Super Impacts, etc. You can clear most end game contents with this account and PVP is a joke with new Anniversary BB Naruto & Sasuke. If you are interested DM me, send pics ;), and all that other gud stuff!

    Reply or DM me on Discord @Anime4ever#9015!
    #1 Keigsvgr3k, 8/27/19
    Last edited: 8/27/19
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