Selling  Level 76-100 Monster Legends Account

Discussion in 'Monster Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JoeZeGamer, 8/27/19.

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  1. JoeZeGamer

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    Selling a Monster Legends Account absolutely stacked, you see these posts "3 Legendaries" Pfft what a joke, I'm offering over 40+ Legendaries including Warmaster Babri, Voltaik, Neobuki, Koralle Brutalis Francie Frank, and over 40+ more, NEVER used gems to speed, played completely F2P. For the price of 350$ You can have it all, how ever this account is not only Legendaries / Special monsters, but it also offers runes. Voltaik is equipped with 3 VIII Ruins if you're looking forward to that, and francine is equipped with 3 VII Strength runes, it also has 2 Level 8 Runes in the storage, and so much more content, though this doesn't end there yet! The account has over 5+ years of game play, it is my account. I've played for over 5+ years and I want to give it away, make your offers.
    It's currently going for 350 - 500$ you can bid if you want, message me.
    Thank you for reading this, screen shots below.

    Discord: sugar#8230

    REMINDER: You can offer anything below 350 - 600$ I would take anything above 300$, since this account is very old, and free to play.

    Sometimes It's very hard saying good bye to 5 years of game play, definitely one of my favorites, I used to play this game as a kid, now I have a job. Please offer if you would like to buy.

    #1 JoeZeGamer, 8/27/19
    Last edited: 8/27/19
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