Sold WTS GBF Endgame Account Rank 200

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/quarendi3, 8/26/19.

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  1. /u/quarendi3

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    180/300 to spark (39k crystals + 54 single tickets)

    -10 MLB Eternals - 3 FLB - 3 Ready to FLB (Uno, Funf, Esser)

    - Arcarum: can recruit Maria Theresa. Good progress on the other mats.

    - Limited Characters: Anila, Vajra, Kumbhira, Summer Grea, Shiva, Alexiel, Eugen, Drang, Summer Bea, S Diantha, S izmir, S Rosetta, Lecia, Rosetta, S Yuel, S Naoise, Black Knight, Orchid

    -Limited Summons: MLB Agni, MLB Varuna, MLB Kaguya, FLB Boniyo, SSR Death, SSR Justice, Shiva, Zeus, Zephyrus, Lucifer, Titan

    Primal Water grid with 2 Drang Spheres.

    M2+ FLB Grids for all elements except Fire.

    All Seraphics FLB.

    All Magna Opus weapons FLB. Enough mats to ULB all (except bars).

    Still 50+ UBHL host mats left.

    Never got any suspension or ban. (Can be proven using past gw contribution honors rankings)

    Screenshots album:

    500usd using Paypal's FF. #

    DM for questions.

    Discord ID: Lyrio#0820

    # #/quarendi3
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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