Sold Rank 199 10 FLB Eternals / All Skins in Outfit Shop (missing some that aren't there) /...

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/osohe, 8/17/19.

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  1. /u/osohe

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    Selling my account. You know how it is. Sorry if the formatting is bad, I'm writing this on my phone.

    Characters, grids, MC skins:


    My summons (besides reduceable garbage for the most part):

    Most of my Grand weapons (image proof):

    My profile on Imgur states my Discord and Reddit IDs so it is legitimately mine but... let me know if any other proof is needed.

    The only primal I play is light (see grids for an idea) it works fine but you'll probably want a third Eden someday. In terms of dark, I do have five FLB claws if you rather play enmity instead. I also have five MLB normal Ecke Sachs if you want to play F2P Agni.

    All 10 FLB Jutens, light grid and team is capable of soloing UBHL (didn't get to that solo by the time but got it to 1% so I know it is doable)

    I was in the process of trying to get Nier, and she is very closed to finished. I have Lobelia.

    My perpetuity rings are spent strangely (Threo, Altair, Gawain, Zooey Light) so hopefully that isn't an issue.

    I have the BD skins for Djeeta/Gran on this account. Various other misc things like some of the Vyrn weapon skins but I don't really remember exactly. 0* Cait Sith is on the account as well.

    I don't have any rolls left on the account for the most part. I haven't farmed this Love Live event for the draws yet, though. Didn't do the most recent side story.

    Please let me know if there's anything else you're interested in knowing about the account/want more screen shots but that pretty much covers most things I'd think.

    We will be using a middleman if you are not paying first. I live in the US and probably later in the afternoon for me is going to be the best time to coordinate if we do not use one.

    Please feel free to reach with offers to me (which I am open to negotiation but have an idea of my bare minimum) out on Discord (march#0666) or here on Reddit, but I will not be as quick to respond, probably.

    Thanks for considering my account.

    # #/osohe
    # .
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