SDSena needs your help

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    It may just be cause of my #, but lets see what everyone else has to say.

    After the hackshield was released, I have been unable to play rf. I can log in fine, but it crashes after a few minutes for no reason what so ever.

    The other day, I signed on to gift myself something from another account. I signed on, went straight to the shop, clicked on pants and it crashed before I could even hit gift. What the hell man...?

    Also, on a completely irrelevant side note, I may be selling my main soon, it has over 3k astros on it and it's never been # on. I'll post a thread in the trading section once I decide to sell it. If you want, I'll even throw in a name changer for free.

    Apparently your hackshield is fail. Redownload RF.

    I have, a few times.

    SD, nothing personal, but didn't you mock other threads like this and told them to go to the help desk?

    As for the client, all I can say is reinstall. I just launched it a few hours ago, had no problem.

    Redownload AGAIN xD! ... might wanna look through the crash and somthing.... or look in the ogp forums

    redownload ce, if you want to :3

    oh, and you selin for paypal? or UGCS?

    cuz iwanna buy D:

    like everyone else says, help desk dont do love you. I'll redownload again and let you guys know if it fixed anything.

    And Solar, I'm selling for paypal. dont really need UGC's lol

    If you don't turn off your computer and ever ran CE then restart your computer. CE lasts as some process I think. Then HS will notice it every effing time.

    I never use CE

    moonlight engine, CE, w.e. restarrt yo comp >>o
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