Everytime i log in it says Serv Err(login) and when i use my mule it works fine,and on the acc with the error i can log in the ogp site -im telling you that because people say im probably banned. EDIT:Banned about 1 year and a half ago. Before I couldn't log in but now I can?....hmmm I can't play though. no ppl r rwong y u type likd dis ppl r rong cux u not band but som1 on ur acc try get on so cheng pass dumby lol y u typ likd dis Originally Posted by playerup no ppl r rwong y u type likd dis ppl r rong cux u not band but som1 on ur acc try get on so cheng pass dumby lol y u typ likd dis Nope i checked it is the same password i get on ogplauncher but it gives me that error when sheep loads. Uhh that's not what El said. He said you most likely can't connect because someone is on your account and that you should change your password. I've had this happen on and off, I just try again and it works. It's as Epsilon stated to reiterate my post: change your password since someone else is attempting to get on at the moment you do. Are you trying to get on a public account or something? Originally Posted by playerup It's as Epsilon stated to reiterate my post: change your password since someone else is attempting to get on at the moment you do. Are you trying to get on a public account or something? there are rf public accounts o.o? What the fuc.... You are out of the loop. Originally Posted by playerup It's as Epsilon stated to reiterate my post: change your password since someone else is attempting to get on at the moment you do. Are you trying to get on a public account or something? And no ACtually its my account-from like 2 or 1 year ago-has been banned actually but idk how this can be affected if i can log in ._. EDIT: BAnned 1 or 2 years ago but then after those 2 or 1 years i was able to log in. I'm not sure if i can still play it .I'm trying to find out if I can. Edit:2 I changed password a few times still not able to get to the screen where it shows nimonix it stops at sheep loading and then says ServErr(login). :L did u use ogp launcher lol Originally Posted by swimmerboii did u use ogp launcher lol Obviously-That was a lousy tip nt though.