I Personally Am Tired Of Being A Leech

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Dont Know If This Is A Legitimate Question, But The Title Says All Since I Couldnt Really Find A Thread That Gave Some Guidance On Where To Start On Making Creating Or Building Hacks Myself Im Tired Of Just Downloading Guess Im More So Jealous I Cant Do Whats Done So Anyone Have A Good Place To Start.?.

    start learning c++ or at least to playerup and using other people dlls lol

    There is no sole guide for learning how to properly " #" an MMO, or any game in that manner. Simply learn how to read and modify memory correctly and play around with tools such as # Engine and Ollydbg until you become familiar with them. From there it's all about how you tackle a game, RF is fairly simple so it shouldn't be to hard regardless of what angle you take you're prospective actions from. Also keep in mind a programming language like C/C++ and Delphi/Lazarus don't honestly need to be known to create a " # ", they're simply used to create trainers that can more difficultly be reversed then CE trainers and feature more advanced features.
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