Spooted is back

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    After a long long long break from #, I am glad to announce that I'm back.

    When I took a look at the RF # forums, I saw that everyone was desperate for hacks.

    But don't give up yet, all RF hacks will be back really soon.

    I currently managed to bypass HackShield and find some very interesting hacks.

    And all of you who remember me from the past, you know that it may take a little time for me to finish my hacks, but no worries, they will be done soon.

    All people who bought my old hacks (Rumble Fighter Control/Destruction) will get something special.

    All I want you guys to do is get as many people (old or new) as you can back here, this place is dead.

    I am pretty sure my new # will be out in the end of this month.

    Send me a PM if you have any question.


    Welcome back:)

    Thank you :)

    I have no clue what to say? You left you many times than you come back promising the same thing? Well welcome back!

    Tu madre is muy feisty. Me gusta. LOL jk, give me a hug you ~!

    Ahh Spooted, I remember when u were just a lurker. Anyways, Welcome Back! + Looking forward to the bypass!

    Originally Posted by alesci1

    I have no clue what to say? You left you many times than you come back promising the same thing? Well welcome back!

    Well, a lot has changed since then.

    Originally Posted by Spooted

    Well, a lot has changed since then.

    Alright we'll see. :)

    Welcome back bro. I recently returned my self as well. Been busy with studies. Feel free to add me on MSN and we can discuss a bit. A lot has changed from the old days bro.

    Originally Posted by lemonlime

    Welcome back bro. I recently returned my self as well. Been busy with studies. Feel free to add me on MSN and we can discuss a bit. A lot has changed from the old days bro.

    A lot has changed, that's right.

    Send me a PM with your MSN so we can talk.
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