[MUST READ] Rules for this section.

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I've made a post like this before, but it was lost in the rollback awhile ago, so I'm remaking it.

    As long as you follow the rules below, you shouldn't have any problem here. I consider this thread to be your verbal warning, so if you break any of the rules below, you're getting an infraction.

    1. Be respectful of other members. I can't tell you how many flame posts I've seen, but it seriously needs to come to an end. The Rumble Fighter section is not the place for immature behavior,


    Originally Posted by xfuzion

    You are annoying.

    You guys are just jealous that we are crowded especially you need to watch your mouth I can always tell to Mikeez to come see this thread and he will wash your PC like some sticky babies.

    Ranting also falls under this category, when it's aimed towards another member.

    2. Account sales go in the *****************************************************. It's there for a reason. I don't want to see any more account sales in the Rumble Fighter subsection. All new account sale threads made here will be moved, and the OP infracted.

    3. Don't beg. This is a given. In the rules, it states:

    Originally Posted by GZP

    'Asking for' is tantamount to begging. If you're "just asking" for a #, you're begging. If you cannot find a specific file on , use the search feature (you'll see a link in the navbar). If, after searching, you still can't find it: too bad. We do not tolerate, permit, condone or support begging. Feel free to learn how to make your own hacks/trainers/#/whatever if you've got a problem with this.

    4. Stay on topic. This is the Rumble Fighter section. I expect to see posts about Rumble Fighter, not a thread asking why someone hates you (You know who you are). If you want to ask questions like that, that's what PM's are for. Unless your post has to do with what the thread is about, keep it to yourself.

    5. Do not post threads regarding referrals/invites/etc. This is against the rules. The standard infraction for this is a 30 day ban. I've been lenient with a few people I've found posting lockerz invite threads, but I won't be nice any longer. Simply don't do it.

    6. Do not "Gravedig" threads. I don't understand what makes someone post in a year old thread... Especially when the year old thread is a fail attempt at scamming accounts. Do NOT bump threads like this, or you will be infracted.

    7. Do NOT post other members' IGN's. Posting IGN's can result in it being seen by OGP lurkers, which may result in that specific IGN being punished. Since we aren't sure how OGP tracks down rule breaking/#/Botting it is better to be safe than sorry. As soon as they see an IGN posted here, they'd probably check that account for any suspicious activity. You wouldn't want anyone posting YOUR IGN if you were #, give the same respect to others.

    8. Do NOT post "Astro hacks". There honestly is no such thing as an astro #. There may indeed be #, but never direct astro #. If anyone posts an astro # thread without clearance from me, the thread will be closed, and the thread starter will receive an infraction.

    9. Refrain from making short, pointless posts. It's been happening more and more frequently. There honestly is no point in making posts like "Lolz pwnt", "Insta-pwnt", etc. Besides trying to raise your post count. If I see any more posts like that, they will be deleted, and the poster will receive an infraction.

    10. Do not Multi-Account. Seriously. I didn't think this would be a big issue here, but apparently I'm wrong. I've been lenient with the two people I found breaking this rule, but I won't be much longer. Multi-Accounting is deserving of an instant Ban from . There is absolutely NO need whatsoever to make a secondary account. If found to be multi-accounting, ALL of your accounts will be banned from .

    11A. Do not create new threads with questions about the God Mode/1Hit KO hacks.

    If you ha
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