Free Astros, Easy to Get! No Surveys / No Bull

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Minimum PAYOUT only $.50!!! 25 Points / $.25 for Free!

    This is a guide that will help users get free money for use online. You can use this money for Astros Nx whatever you want.

    Found this from a friend and would like to share it with you guys!

    Step 1:


    ?Ipod Touch


    ?Android Device

    ?Verefied PayPal Account

    Step 2:

    Go onto your IDevice or Android Phone and Run the mobile browser.

    Then go to m.appredeem

    Step 3:

    Now you have to create an account. It should prompt you apon ariveing to the website, or go into settings, and then click create account.

    This next part is very important!

    You must use the same e-mail as your Paypal account to sign up for AppRedeem so that they can send the money you earn as a "gift" to your Paypal account.

    Step 4:

    Follow the onscreen instuctions to put the app the your home page.



    It may or may not ask you to "Register" your ipod, so it can send you the money to PayPal



    Now there will be a think that will tell you to Install so you can download apps from the Appredeem Offers that they give you.



    Step 5:


    After Signup, there is an Offer to Enter in a BONUS CODE.

    This is Very Important as it will give you 25 FREE points (which is 25 cents)

    Click the Offer, and Enter in: tryitfree



    Next, go back to AppRedeem and download your first app! It should redirect you to the apple store.

    Open the App you just downloaded, and fiddle with it for about 1 minute or two.

    PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes to receive credit, you might have to make a quick account on the App. This is extrememly important or you might not get your credits for that app!

    Once you have finished messing with the App you downloaded, exit out and Go back to AppRedeem. The page should open up a new window and ask you to RATE the APP.

    Rate It. You dont have to put a comment. Then post and BOOM, your points are there!

    Repeat this process to earn more points. Slowly but surely, you will make 5 dollars or more. It took me about 30 minutes honestly.

    There are usually around $5 worth of apps to download a week. Having a IPad will allow you to make some more money because some apps are IPad only. Some apps are $1 but they give you 100 points which = $1 to test it out!

    I will be completely honest with you guys, entering the bonus code benefits me and you!

    Final Notes

    ?If you run out of apps to buy/download for free on AppRedeem, wait till the next day(s) come, and there should be more apps to download.

    ?If you get the paid apps, you'll get more money out of it than the free apps that you can download, bot note that some of the paid apps offer less then they cost! Be careful and watch for this.

    ?Now your probobly wondering why they would pay you for downloading an app? It must be a scam! But thats not true at all. The logic behind this is the App Developers pay Appredeem to put their apps on their server. Okay so now Appredeem cant keep all this money. They have to pay you everytime you download an app from their service. Forsay you go to the app store and buy bank currency for 1 dollar. You just lost a dollar. If you do it through App Redeem, you make 40 cents for buying this particular app! Most of the times, you won't get paid
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