How to get 2-4 Boss Mode Boxes Every Game !

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    I searched the forums and didn't see it here so I decided to post it.

    Use a Working Stat # and Change the Item slots to this 3043144 (Lucky Charm)

    The More charms you decide to equip the more luck (Chance of getting coins / # of boxes you recieve).

    Yes, I Know this is old, and Yes I leeched it from AtLava.

    All right you gave credits so it's fine. I'm sure this is going to get patched next update though.

    I thought stat hacks didn't really work when your are playing online with other people. I'll try this out anyways.

    It works but you have to be master.

    Originally Posted by gr33nluigi

    I thought stat hacks didn't really work when your are playing online with other people. I'll try this out anyways.

    Hmm, ya, but do you get Boxes if your playing adventure by yourself? I think you do, so just do solo. But I don't know if you do get the boxes forsure because I haven't been playing rf in a long time.

    You don't get boxes from solo.

    can you give us link for it, please?

    welp, you still did a good job for giving credits bro.

    Give credits...

    Nice leech lol. :)
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