How to attach debugger to rumblefighter

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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    Hi guys this is a tutorial on how to attach the # engine debugger to rumble fighter without having rumble fighter crash

    I wrote this tutorial after spending hours trying to find out how to attach the debugger without having it crash. Now that i've found out how i decided to share with you guys in case you guys can't either.

    Okay so here goes...

    How to attach # Engine debugger to Rumble Fighter

    1. Open up # engine and rumble fighter

    Do not log in yet just stay at the log in screen

    2. Click on the process list button and attach # engine to rumble fighter

    The process list button (incase you didn't know) is the little button with

    a picture of a computer on it.

    3. Open up the auto assembler on # engine.

    CTRL+ALT+A to open the auto assembler.

    4. In the auto assembler paste the code


    401000: xor al, al retn dd 90909090

    credits to fovea for that code

    5. Click on template and then press "# table framework code"

    6. Press execute and click yes when it asks you if you want to playerup the

    code. It should say that the injection was successful.

    7. Open the process list again and highlight Rumble Fighter

    and then click the button that says "Attach debugger to process"

    8. Log in and you're done


    How to test that Rumble Fighter won't crash when/after you attach the


    1. After you did all the steps above go into # engine and search for

    any value. I usually just use 100 for no reason.

    2. Double click on any addresses that you find and in your address list

    right click on the address and select either "find out what accesses this

    address" or "find out what writes to this address"

    3. Another window should pop up to find what accesses/writes to the

    address AND rumble fighter should still be running. If rumble fighter

    crashes then that means you did something wrong.

    Hope this helps

    Nice rep+.

    damn I did something wrong but ye nice tut here is a Rep+

    What exactly is this supposed to do.. :/ i dont rly get the point of debugging rf.. someone explain plz.

    To get pointers, to make hacks that stick etc... it's quit useful. Although there is a stealth mode option built in to CE for 32bit users.

    Oh, cool. Thx El.

    Very nice.

    Thanks for sharing this with the community.

    Originally Posted by playerup

    To get pointers, to make hacks that stick etc... it's quit useful. Although there is a stealth mode option built in to CE for 32bit users.

    that explains alot... i was wondering why people would go through all of this trouble when the stealth mode works. I completely forgot about the 64 bit users... lol

    You forgot me?! I feel lonely now...

    +rep ...
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