Sold WTS Starter accounts (including 1 rank 100 "starter" account)

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/HiFiY, 8/13/19.

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  1. /u/HiFiY

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    selling starter accounts. all rank 1-2 except account 3 (rank 100 starter)SD all not used, most are probably on legfest SD 2~ years ago

    notable characters and summons seperated in brackets. account 3 has a MLB Parazonium

    1 : (grimnir,therese, xmas metera, yurius) (agni, grimnir, s.satyr)

    2 : (s.zeta, io, s.ilsa, shiva, yurius) (lucifer, titan, agni, bonito(3), gorilla)

    3 : - rank 100 (katalina, yoda, BK, xmas arulu, orchid, drang, s.diantha, xmas mary, olivia, alexiel, s.yuel) (athena, zeph, bonito(3), shiva)

    4 : (drang, s.korwa, s.naoise) (lucifer, raphael, freyr)

    5 : (xmas mary, s.yuel) (freyr)

    6 : (s.europa, s.jessica) (zeus, hades)

    7 : (s.percival, s.naoise, shiva, s.europa) (varuna)

    all mobage accounts. anniv ticket mostly not used (highly likely all unused) most of the seasonal freebies (anniv+summer+xmas) are in crate.

    looking for paypal only

    Discord ID: admrlppl#0289

    dm me if interested!

    thank you

    # #/HiFiY
    # .
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