This iz no scam. Khajit wants to sell the most valuable account in the world, yez. 99,9% of all the shiny thingz adventurers can earn throughout tamriel. Almost all achievementz, houses, furnishing plans, golden books. Just everything there is. There iz no account cloze to this, yez. The next account getting close to this one is still about one year of full time grind away, yez. Buy the most complete and valuable eso account in the world, yez. Khajit needz coin. Prize: # but A LOT.
More detailz are only accessible privately, yez. Contact the kitty for the most valuable account worldwide, yez.
Kitty has reconsidered. Kitty will post a bit more information, yez. 1. This account has all achievements in the game, except for godslayer. It is the current #1 acc worldwide by a wide margin. 2. This account has all furnishing plans, houses, dummies, crafting tables, outfits styles, dyes, collectibles, event related collectibles, polymorphs, skins, ... you name it. It has everything in the game. There are only like 3 or 4 exceptions to this. 3. Kitty was addicted to the crownstore as much as being addicted to skooma, yez. So this one is very proud to announce that this account has every item of every crown crate season, except for radiant apexes (7 of them). Every class in both mag and stam dd configuration leveled to max, equipped and outfitted. Every char has all the guilds maxed, relevant skill lines maxed, all wayshrines, skyshards, public dungeons, dungeons, etc. Every char is raid ready and stuffed to the max with useful sets. No matter what you need, undaunted, fighters guild, psijic order, crafting. Every char has everything. Even all craftlines. Every char stores about 5-8 complete important sets. All current and former raidsets are in store and available and ready to be used. Much more ... This is the worlds most complete account, yez. Nothing even close to this. Kitty needs to stop his addiction, so buy it please. Meow.