Selling  Selling 55m and 40m power accounts.

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by superonliner, 8/7/19.

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  1. superonliner

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    My Location:
    Overall power 55m
    Research power 23m
    Army power 16m
    Lord level 59

    Medals: Unsullied medals 5, bowmen medals 90/150 to blue, black ears 20/60 to green.
    Sets: maester blue, builder green-blue, champion gold, All other sets have whitegreenblue items.(rebels set have blue and purple in research, both green in construction and last white.
    Commanders: chris,soren,arya,melisandre,varys,russell gold. Bought commanders: jaime 30/100 to purple, andrea 35/100 to purple, kevin 25/50 to blue, theon 0/20 to green, raymond 45/100 to purple.
    jeane blue and all other green.
    merchantship 7
    A lot of badges.
    alt account: 23m army power, 3 gold commanders castle 24 and overall power 40m.

    Not looking to profit so send an offer in private.
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