Selling  High End Animation Throwdown Account, Walkers of GILMER account. 6k+ super mythic stones ,...

Discussion in 'Animation Throwdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by coldRex, 8/5/19.

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  1. coldRex

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    Hi everybody!

    I am offering to You my deck, which I participated with only in WALKERS FAMILY. Started when the game was released, and since its beginning I was mainly in Walkers of Redux, then cruising among sister guilds to help in Siege or Rumbles.
    Since March of this year (2019) I have joined Walkers of Gilmer. There is no need to describe this guild.
    After few great and amazing months in this guild with the very best people, time passed and I have decided to sell this accont and maybe try seomething else and make it to the top and - most important thing - be a part and help the best team such the WALKERS family was. Since 2016 it's been a long time with one game and it was great era.
    The account as itself, won few times and ranked as a 1st in some of the challenges. Some of the messages are saved as a proof.

    In case of interest, don't waste Your time, maybe someone else want to make it up to top in this game.
    Some details:

    715x LEG CARD

    Level | Combo (Tokens)
    3 | Amy's Talking Tattoo (0/0)
    3 | Country Club Steve (5/0)
    3 | Devil Hank (0/0)
    3 | Swat Bob (15/0)
    3 | Tainted Alamo (0/0)
    3 | VIP Cruise (0/0)
    3 | Wingnut Amy (0/0)
    2 | 5 AM Wine (10/100)
    2 | Action Delivery Force Zoidberg (0/100)
    2 | Another Lousy Millenium (65/100)
    2 | Badminton Roger (20/100)
    2 | Balloon Fight (0/100)
    2 | Baseball Bobby (15/100)
    2 | Baseball Chris (0/100)
    2 | Bending School Grad (10/100)
    2 | Betsy (0/100)
    2 | Blueberry Delivery Girl (10/100)
    2 | Blueberry Picker (0/100)
    2 | Boy Crazy (0/100)
    2 | Burger Wars (0/100)
    2 | Captain Yesterday (10/100)
    2 | Cartel Klaus (0/100)
    2 | Chicken Fight (50/100)
    2 | Chosen Brain Fry (10/100)
    2 | Christmas Trap (0/100)
    2 | Chunky Blast Offs (10/100)
    2 | Cognac Bender (70/100)
    2 | Contact High Stewie (10/100)
    2 | Count of Monty Hall (70/100)
    2 | Devil Bobby (0/100)
    2 | Diarama Gene (10/100)
    2 | Draw Me Gene (0/100)
    2 | Dream Guitar (25/100)
    2 | Drunk Peter (0/100)
    2 | Drunk Stan (0/100)
    2 | Fake Son Gene (90/100)
    2 | Freezerdome Gene (50/100)
    2 | Fry in Robot Disguise (0/100)
    2 | Fry's Painting (0/100)
    2 | Fur Coat Lois (0/100)
    2 | Gaga Ball (0/100)
    2 | Hatchet Boomhauer (0/100)
    2 | Heavy Metal Hayley (0/100)
    2 | High School Bill (15/100)
    2 | Home Ec Teacher (0/100)
    2 | Klepto Bender (0/100)
    2 | Masked Hero (0/100)
    2 | Max Jets (15/100)
    2 | Medicated Stewie (0/100)
    2 | One Man Musical (90/100)
    2 | Party All the Time (15/100)
    2 | Positron Shooter Fry (10/100)
    2 | Rapper Klaus (10/100)
    2 | Ravenous Porcelain Babies (0/100)
    2 | Robot Devil's Hands (0/100)
    2 | Rough Night Stan (0/100)
    2 | Santa Killer Steve (0/100)
    2 | Sewer Surfer Fry (0/100)
    2 | Shoplift Addict (5/100)
    2 | Stickin' Hank (0/100)
    2 | Summer Guy (0/100)
    2 | Toga Bill (0/100)
    2 | Viking Peter (0/100)
    2 | Whale Hunter Amy (0/100)
    2 | Whiskey Bartender (0/100)
    2 | Wine Tasting Linda (55/100)
    1 | Babysitter Leela (5/25)
    1 | Batter Up Bobby (5/25)
    1 | Bender's Ducklings (5/25)
    1 | BenderIsGreat34 (5/25)
    1 | Bible Study (5/25)
    1 | Cadet Hill (10/25)
    1 | Crack Addict Stan (0/25)
    1 | Death Metal (0/25)
    1 | Dolphin Rider Peter (10/25)
    1 | Drum Solo Quagmire (15/25)
    1 | Easter Bunny Peter (5/25)
    1 | Golfing Quagmire (5/25)
    1 | Griffin and Quagmire (5/25)
    1 | Guidance Counselor (5/25)
    1 | Jose Servo (5/25)
    1 | Karate Stewie (5/25)
    1 | Kiss and Clarinet (20/25)
    1 | Music Video Stewie (5/25)
    1 | Obedience School Brian (5/25)
    1 | Opera Francine (5/25)
    1 | Peter Copter Down! (5/25)
    1 | Postal Lois (5/25)
    1 | Raleigh St. Augustine (5/25)
    1 | RC Helicopter (5/25)
    1 | Red Rodriguez 2 Real (20/25)
    1 | Ricky Spanish (5/25)
    1 | Roger in Disguise (5/25)
    1 | Sidearm Brian (5/25)
    1 | Skiing Zoidberg (5/25)
    1 | Slurm Loco (5/25)
    1 | Softball Lois (5/25)
    1 | Soused Bill (5/25)
    1 | Space Honey (20/25)
    1 | Super Dance Squad (5/25)
    1 | Tree (5/25)
    1 | Trippy Zoidberg (15/25)
    1 | Victory Dance (5/25)
    1 | Washboard Bender (5/25)

    By Show
    FT: 28 (26.92%)
    FG: 23 (22.12%)
    BB: 20 (19.23%)
    AD: 19 (18.27%)
    KH: 14 (13.46%)

    By BGE
    Musical: 15 (14.42%)
    Drunk: 13 (12.50%)
    Addicted: 13 (12.50%)
    Disguised: 13 (12.50%)
    Athletic: 12 (11.54%)
    Armed: 11 (10.58%)
    Educated: 10 (9.62%)
    Rich: 9 (8.65%)
    Fighter: 4 (3.85%)
    Animal: 3 (2.88%)
    Artistic: 2 (1.92%)
    Hyper: 1 (0.96%)

    Unresearched Combo Masteries:
    0 | Shut Up and Take My Money (25/5)

    - Heroes -
    Free Heroes:

    Bender - Lvl 14 (537/750)
    Bobby - Lvl 13 (220/500)
    Brian - Lvl 13 (332/500)
    Dale - Lvl 13 (11/500)
    Fry - Lvl 13 (215/500)
    Hank - Lvl 12 (176/350)
    Leela - Lvl 13 (5/500)
    Louise - Lvl 13 (86/500)
    Peter - Lvl 12 (276/350)
    Roger - Lvl 14 (56/750)
    Stan - Lvl 12 (225/350)
    Steve - Lvl 13 (181/500)
    Stewie - Lvl 12 (194/350)
    Tina - Lvl 13 (225/500)

    Maxed (Free) Heroes:

    Bob - Lvl 15 (0/1)

    P2W Heroes:

    Consuela - Lvl 11 (13/250)
    Gene - Lvl 11 (182/250)
    Giant Chicken - Lvl 5 (29/35)
    John Redcorn - Lvl 11 (97/250)
    Linda - Lvl 11 (182/250)
    Ricky Spanish - Lvl 12 (18/350)
    Zapp - Lvl 11 (214/250)
    Zoidberg - Lvl 5 (33/35)

    - Card Stats -
    [Q] = Quads only
    [A] = All legs
    Your Status: [Q]
    Total Legs: 725
    Quads: 307 (42.34%)
    Dual: 35 (4.83%)
    Unfused: 383 (52.83%)
    Chars: 117 (16.14%)
    Items: 513 (70.76%)
    PCs: 95 (13.10%)

    - By Type -

    1. Chars (117)
    Quads: 79 (67.52%)
    Dual: 3 (2.56%)
    Unfused: 35 (29.91%)
    Most Quadded
    Philip J. Fry (9)
    Char Count By Show [Q]
    AD: 19 (24.05%)
    FT: 17 (21.52%)
    KH: 17 (21.52%)
    BB: 13 (16.46%)
    FG: 13 (16.46%)
    2. Items (513)
    Quads: 167 (32.55%)
    Dual: 26 (5.07%)
    Unfused: 320 (62.38%)
    Most Quadded
    Bag of Nickels (8)
    Item Count By Show [Q]
    FG: 46 (27.54%)
    FT: 34 (20.36%)
    BB: 32 (19.16%)
    AD: 28 (16.77%)
    KH: 27 (16.17%)
    Item Count By BGE [Q]
    Drunk: 26 (15.57%)
    Rich: 22 (13.17%)
    Addicted: 18 (10.78%)
    Armed: 16 (9.58%)
    Fighter: 16 (9.58%)
    Athletic: 16 (9.58%)
    Disguised: 15 (8.98%)
    Musical: 14 (8.38%)
    Educated: 12 (7.19%)
    Animal: 8 (4.79%)
    Artistic: 4 (2.40%)
    3. PCs (95)
    Quads: 61 (64.21%)
    Dual: 6 (6.32%)
    Unfused: 28 (29.47%)

    Most Quadded
    VIP Cruise (13)

    PC Count By Show [Q]

    FT: 18 (29.51%)
    BB: 18 (29.51%)
    FG: 11 (18.03%)
    AD: 8 (13.11%)
    KH: 6 (9.84%)

    PC Count By BGE [Q]

    Rich: 16 (26.23%)
    Drunk: 10 (16.39%)
    Educated: 7 (11.48%)
    Musical: 5 (8.20%)
    Fighter: 5 (8.20%)
    Disguised: 5 (8.20%)
    Athletic: 4 (6.56%)
    Addicted: 4 (6.56%)
    Animal: 3 (4.92%)
    Armed: 2 (3.28%)
    Artistic: 2 (3.28%)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. TitanJesus

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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    Hi Jason.
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  3. OP

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    Hello there! What’s up?
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  4. J. Ramz

    J. Ramz
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    Accounts like this should be given a prize from devs. and have a hall of fame page on congragate to display your stats and retire accounts for top players wanting to change up.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  5. TitanJesus

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    Ya he's not jason. Also this confirms WoG estimate of 30k per card collection with an estimated lifetime of 2 years.
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  6. OP

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    Better to buy this than dig deeper in each new box which does not make the game the fresh. This is account, you can fight each BGE cause it started to be unviersal no matter what BGE is on the ground. Wanna play with DEF deck and still win? Or shave points during the rumble... HERE it is. I AM NOT, trying to sell cards or packs. This is whole account, which can be used anyhow. Depends on your imagination.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  7. TitanJesus

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    Why help the best team they don't need your help
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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