Greetings commanders! I have a 38 million power ark for sale on server 858. 11k honor medals in inventory if you want to jump to a high level server. L21 with 1900x T9 infantry. Most of the infantry legacy research unlocked as well. 70k Stella (balance gear), 20k Bullet (accuracy gear), 20k Rock (accuracy gear), 10k Hoodoo (pocket Hoodoo gear), 10k Plasma (battle Plasma gear). All S class except for Plasma. Strong relevant gear on all these commanders. 52ish comanders unlocked with 45 of these being S class for easy points on weekend Guild Mob. Wave 300 unlocked in Space Time War, currently bringing in 78/90 metacrsytals per tick. All ark hulls except Dominion are unlocked. Extra SWE gear, etc ****$1,500 usd****