Looking for serious offers please. Message me through line @Heaton. Still actively playing and growing until this sells. Let me know Account Info: - Basics 6 year old account Lots of silver bars Lots of extra build tokens - Stats 2.3b+ attack 2.9b+ defense 900m+ spy attack 1.5b+ spy defense - Allies 2+Q in allies 2.9b+ attack 2.8b+ defense 2.1b+ spy attack 3.0b+ spy defense - Furnishings Full War Furnishings leveled - Charms Roughly 20bcs in charms. Most of which is stacked. - Equipment % bonus items and regular equipment 60bcs+ - Premium Items All of the % bonus items have been purchased 50+ crystals 26 horns 1400+ mith 4000+ aqua and inferno