NOTICE BEFORE PURCHASING (please read) : You can only login by using facebook. because the account have been bind to google and that google is my primary email address. Because of that, when you buy this account you will be given 2 choices. 1. I will create a dupe facebook. account for you to login. I will give you the facebook. account and email account I used to created the facebook. account. 2. You can ask me to bind your existing facebook. account to my King`s Raid account. So you can login to the game using your facebook. account. After the transaction is over, I will delete my gmail access to King`s Raid game, so only you can login to the game. I`m really sorry for the inconvenience. King`s Raid Server : Asia Nick Name :Tranced Account Level : 67 Status ID : Ruby 8500++ Gold 500M++ Inventory cap 400 dan Storage cap 40 Main Team have 8 heroes Main DPS Hero, Theo with UW 5*, complete 4 kinds of UT, and great stats Can do solo Black Dragon lvl 80 until level 3 Can do solo Poison Dragon hard until level 2 Lots of costumes Hero List : [T5, lvl90] This is my main team Theo(UW5* & 4UT each at least 1*), Jane(UW1* & 2UT), Annete(UW1* & 1UT), Laias(UW1* & 1UT), Loraine(UW & 1UT), Artemia(UW1* & 1UT), Aselica(UW & 1UT), Mirianne(UW & 1UT) [T5, lvl80] Take a lots of nerfs so I let him sit at bench Arch [T2, lvl70] Dont have other physical buffer so I let him sit with Arch Nyx [5*, lvl60] It is up to you to make them great Kasel, Frey, Cleo, Roi, Epis, Selene, Clause, Pavel, Aisha, Luna, Lewisia, Tanya, Mediana, Priscilla, Ophelia, Shamilla, Erze, Lilia, Chrisha, Sonia, Shea, Kirze, May Note : All hero have at least 1 costume, except for Kirze and May UW List (non main team) : Kasel, Frey, Cleo, Roy, Epis, Clause, Luna (*1), Arch (*2), Nyx (*1), Tanya, Priscila, Requina, Erze (*1 x1 and *0 x1), Lilia, Laudia, Lucias, Crisha, Neraxis, Scarlet, Kara, Nia (*1), Esker, Glenwys UT List (non main team) : Demia (2 kind), Mediana, Crisha (3 kind), Gau, Epis (2 kind), Casandra, Scarlet, Nia (2 kind), Glenwys, Loman, Arch, Seria, Kara, Phillop Artifact List : Ancient god Coin (*1), School Event Artifact, Elf, Ancient Cow (*2), Dice (*2), cat (*1), Scope (*1), Tiger (*2), Apple (*1), Golden Mask, Mirror(*1 and *0), Chain, Goblin Mask (*2), Harpy Mask (*3), Orc Mask (*1), Elf mask, Undead Mask (*2), Spring (*2), Lizardman Mask (*2), Earth Core, Frozen Giant Mask, Iron Conviction (*1), Black Dagger, Solar Stone (*1), Black Tome (*2), Spirit Morph, Vase (*1), Assasin Veil (*2), Book of Mad, Christmas Star, New Year Firework (*1 x1 and *0 x1), Traditional Pedant, Chicken, Hybrid, Amethys Pendulum (x2), Abyssal Eye, Christmast Tree, Tarrot card (*2), Bracelet (*2), Pocket Watch, Infernal Whip, Light Bracelet List Notable Consumable : Basic 3* Hero Selector x1 UW Selector x5 Costume Selector x1 Reforged Ticket x54 Infinity Stone x67 Trascend Essence each of a kind x900++ Basic Essence each of a kind x9500++ Trascend Essence Tiket Selector x620 Normal Essence Tiket Selector x5160 Skill Book Tiket Selector each of a kind x1500++ Exp booster 1 jam x265 dan Gold booster 1 Hour x187 dan item booster 1 Hour x46 Exp booster 1 day x32 dan Gold booster 1 day x32 Exp booster 7 day x2 dan Gold booster 7 day x10 Special 10x Summon Tiket x6 Transcended poin (5) x6 Exp Deluxe (Full) x4500++ How to buy : 1. You can contact me by email: [email protected] (sorry I dont have a discord .. ) 2. You can ask me anything about the account (be it photos etc). 3. If you intrested to buy my account, I will give you the bill to your email via paypal. 4. After you pay and the payment confirmed by the paypal, I will assist you until you can login into the account permanently. Thank you