Sold [FS] Multiple SSR SUPER Starter Accounts (Some SS Zooey SD) Seasonal/Legfest Limiteds...

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/SirBipolarbear, 7/30/19.

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  1. /u/SirBipolarbear

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    These accounts are for sale:

    Preferred method of payment is PayPal.

    All of these accounts are under Rank 10 and have NOT used start dash.

    Each account has about 150 rolls in crystals and tickets, including 3 SSR tickets and the 5th Birthday Weapon Ticket.

    The pinboard missions are also incomplete, so the SSR Character Ticket is still available.

    Things listed in the Google doc:

    - Link to price estimates of each account and past sales for reference

    - SSR Characters and Summons on each account (and a link to a page that includes dupes and SR + lower rarity)

    - Contents of the start dash of each account

    - List of weapons able to be chosen from for the 5th Birthday Weapon Ticket

    - Items on each account

    - FAQs

    - Reference page of all of the SSR Characters and Summons, and some useful links for those who are new

    If you need the date the SD comes back, please ask!

    Message me with the account number(s) you are interested in and maybe we can work something out. I can send screencaps on request.

    Feel free to contact me on Discord.

    Discord ID: cig#8783

    References page:

    # #/SirBipolarbear
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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