5 T3s: Thanos, DP, Sharog, Capt Marvel, Capt America. Most native T2. 66 T2.

Discussion in 'Marvel Future Fight Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lyra Lavellann, 7/20/19.

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  1. Lyra Lavellann

    Lyra Lavellann
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    Actually I have 3 T3s: Thanos, Cap Marvel and Cap America, but with over 2200+ CCF, 10k+ TCP/DD and all books capped, you could easily T3 2 and almost 3 more characters right away (including Luna, as I have a mega T2 ticket and loads of bios). 66 T2s and 39 6*s (including Weapon Hex and Luna), Ultimates gears half way done, X-23 gears 70% done, all the good native T2s ranked up (SW, QS, Cable, Thanos, Strange, Wolvie, Jean, DP, Mr Fantastic, Doom), all epic quests finished, got most of the must-buy unis. All characters slightly useful will have at least a stage 3 attack ISO set and a low damage proc/invincibility obelisk, all great characters have at least stage 6 ISO set with attack/hp 6* chaotic ISOs.

    Additional stuff include 6k+ crystals with over 20 days of a Stark Stash remaining, 2217 CCF, 1 Mega T2 ticket, 4 MRUTs, 2 Mega Mythic uniform upgrade tickets (plus a normal mythic ticket), 12k+ DD, 10k+ TCP, 120 million gold, and over 14k feeder bios to build characters. VIP 2, Agent level 99. My cards give a base of 30.6% Cooldown reduction and 38.6% ignore defense.

    This is a mid-high account that is regularly clearing Proxima Midnight stage 39, several daily GBR runs, 55 SL floors, and consistent top 30%-10% Vibranium league, and that's with low effort play. For competitive players that want to jump right in without all the roster building grind, great value for all you get, the two mega mythic uni tickets are already worth the asking price. Purchase also includes choosing your own IGN as I have a Code Name changer available for the transaction.

    CTP information:
    -2x CTP-Destruction, equipped on Captain America and Captain Marvel.
    -2x CTP-Energy, one on Quicksilver and the other one unequipped.
    -1x CTP-Authority, unequipped.
    -2x CTP-Rage, both unequipped.
    -The CTP-Es from Hela's and Killmonger's uniforms are still available for claiming, as well as the CTP-Rage from Captain Marvel, Regen from Thanos and Refinement from Shuri (uni heroic already).
    -The 2 CTP selectors from AMATW and FFH legendary battles are also available for claiming.
    -3 CTP of Trascendence and 1 CTP of Patience.

    I currently belong to a friendly, helpful max level alliance that actively does conquest (we bounce back and forth from top 400) but doesn't force you to participate. Here are some screenshots of my roster, if you want my IGN I'll give it on a private channel as I want to avoid risking my account so that's why it's blurred.

    (Full album: imgbox - fast, simple image host )

    Feel free to reply to this thread but if you want to contact me directly, my personal email is [email protected]
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  2. Devvy7

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    Hey I’m interested do you have discord?

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    Lyra Lavellann

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    Sent you a personal message :)
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    Lyra Lavellann

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