Selling  High End  1-24 Hours (EU) - High End - Level 7 - High End 7.6k GS Darkrunner - Nuia -

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sarah Dhimas, 7/19/19.

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  1. Sarah Dhimas

    Sarah Dhimas
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    Hi There! :)

    Thanks for looking into my thread, please find all the details below.

    I m selling main AA Account, has many costumes and items too use and comes with some great weapons as well. It was part and one of the founders off the player nation West Side if you do remember that, but this account has many great features below.

    Details :

    Costumes x25
    Vehicles x6 (Including b200, timber coop and the mad steambike)
    Boats x7 (All with epic / legendary sails and the lutesong junk has all epic naval cannons)
    Gliders x6
    Mounts x20
    Pets x13
    Inventory Image : Screenshot - a4c33c3dbb0a1861e6d0f5987c48c02c - Gyazo
    Warehouse Image : Screenshot - 89239fb9fa0c98e98344240831dd6cf5 - Gyazo

    Character Details :
    This character has very decent specs still that can still do large amounts of damage. Please see below.

    Head - Screenshot - 9d8ec1cf292893134a37dc4d462cf5f2 - Gyazo
    Chest - Screenshot - 6bda023bb0f6906eabafd0d01d26162e - Gyazo
    Waist - Screenshot - f6a92815dc98c3fcecaa3ea3733cc3c9 - Gyazo
    Wrists - Screenshot - 4541e9c98909ea14e86cb033545380fe - Gyazo
    Hands - Screenshot - d83ff6ab9258ae974415303db262f341 - Gyazo
    Cloak - Screenshot - 1b35d2102058f46caf524e6128a216c5 - Gyazo
    Legs - Screenshot - 2c8d39e62f416c9e3c74d625d235de21 - Gyazo
    Feet - Screenshot - cc1c957ba16737ac7dffaa49713499f2 - Gyazo
    Undergarments - Screenshot - 67f57079c3c5d712cc71c8bb4e922814 - Gyazo
    Necklace - Screenshot - 9d7a1f7f6ec0c785079ea011e03e2539 - Gyazo
    Earring - Screenshot - daf7ebf21313b0684acc03455599ae17 - Gyazo
    Earing - Screenshot - 3fcb12869a9c854e3e1fea4d2aa0e13e - Gyazo
    Ring - Screenshot - a8b53456991b8d7dbbf8751c558dae66 - Gyazo
    Ring - Screenshot - 3a4261f3a16e52248ff0d203a100d3b6 - Gyazo
    Weapon - 2h Erenor Nodachi - Screenshot - 51b73a48541d9decf55bfb4fd24eaf5c - Gyazo
    Bow - Screenshot - c700dad4e61a1fb07389beeaaab3498c - Gyazo
    Instrument - Screenshot - f7550b48d94ef0499291f6d2da00d12b - Gyazo

    Stats (UNBUFFED) :
    Attack - Screenshot - ec03c8aacb738ed3009c02dda95ae655 - Gyazo
    Defence - Screenshot - cdf6625da34fe7b3a61d38f202f30b8d - Gyazo
    Regen - Screenshot - 0fd3304c46f88b781594219c74f1127d - Gyazo

    The account has a total of 4270 Hotile Faction Kills

    Also some credits left over : Screenshot - 0bf8a791f97acb02e75f9163a0d892fd - Gyazo

    (PRICE : 200€)

    Interested?, please do not hesitate to add me in DISCORD to discuss o/

    (DISCORD#) : SarahDhimas#8569

    Reason For Selling : (Quitting) Moving into other game

    Thank for reading ~​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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