Lvl 42 Account with Super Evo and Great Nat 5s

Discussion in 'Monster Super League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kevacy, 7/17/19.

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  1. Kevacy

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    Hello! I will be selling this account after being inactive on this game for 8 months. I haven't had the time to play this game since I was busy with work and college and I am still busy as of today. Therefore, I decided that I am selling this account since I don't have time to play games anymore since I have a lot of work. The way I am going to sell this account is by bidding and waiting 1 week to see the highest bidder. If the highest bidder decides not to buy, I will proceed to sell it to the next highest bidder so on so forth. After the bidding ends, I will make another thread with the listed price and we will be using middleman for the transaction. I will give ownership of the email and the Facebook. account to you.

    My discord is Legend#4120

    Also, if you don't have discord, send me a private message, so that I can contact you though email if you wish to bid or get more info of the account.

    Here is what the account owns:

    A sexy Hanamura ship thats permanent

    Super evolution fire Lilith <Queen of Night>
    Evo3 Dark Trixie
    Evo3 Light Hanahime
    Evo3 Water Sigrun
    Evo2 Light Wodan
    Evo3 Light Gemsmith Tina
    Evo3 Light Nike
    Evo3 Fire Drakaness
    Evo3 Light Daphne
    Evo3 Light Saint JEANNE
    Evo3 Dark Muscateer
    Evo3 Dark Pandora
    Evo3 Fire Leaonor
    EVO3 Light Sasquatch

    Evo2 Light Wodan
    Evo2 Fire Persephassa
    Evo2 Fire Plouton
    Evo2 Fire Monkey King
    Evo2 Water Great Onmyoji
    Evo2 Water Devenam Indra
    Evo2 Wood Wodan
    Evo2 Wood Artorius
    Evo2 Wood Persephassa

    Evo1 Fire Shinobi
    Evo1 Fire Nightmare
    Evo1 Fire Sanzang
    Evo1 Water Arthur
    Evo1 Wood Sanzang
    Evo1 Wood Nightmare
    Evo1 Fire Merlin
    Evo1 Wood Shinobi
    Evo1 Water Siegfried
    Evo1 Wood Arthur

    If you are interested, I will show proof of the items in the account. Just message me on discord or send me a private message of your email, so that I can contact you.

    Why bidding? I do bidding to make it more fair and let you guys decide on a price. I keep a list of all the bids, so that if the highest bidder doesn't want to purchase the account anymore, I will contact the second and then the third highest bidder. The bids ends on July 25. Please add me on discord or send me a private message. Also, if you are new to the game or want to seek advice on how to play this game, I will teach you how to effectively farm astrogems and gold and etc. I will still be in contact with you if you need help. ^^
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  2. OP

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    Also, you get a light valk once you get lvl 45 with this account. I got other monsters in the party too that are not listed here because they are commons like horan. This account is lvl 42, so there a lot of more challenges waiting for you to complete
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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