Make you rare badges: 20 kills - 35$ 2.000 damage - 16$ 2.500 damage - 20$ 3.000 damage - 25$ 4.000 damage - 35$ 20 kills + 4.000 damage - 65$ Triple triple (kill all 3 member of 3 squads in same match ) - 35$ Rapid elemination ( kill 4 enemies within 20 seconds) - 50$ Double duty (win game where u were the Kill leader and Champion) - 25$ 20kills+4.000 damage+Triple triple = 90$ Very fast! The process will take 1-4 hours Boost your kills 100 kills - 19$ (12-24 h) 200 kills - 37$ (36-48h) 300 kills - 53$ (72h) 400 kills - 65$ (72-96h) Attention! If you are not sure that you want to buy an account, or you are afraid, if you were deceived before and you want to tell me about it, then please do not waste my time. I do not buy your accounts, do not trade, I only sell. If you want to buy an account, please send a link to the threads. When you write to me I will know that you have read this text. P.s Scammers go to the Scammland Contact me: Discord Castrosko#2286 Skype Castrosko WhatsApp +37258750180 Telegram +37258750180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepted payment methods: PayPal, Scrill, Bank transfer, Revolut card. Goods&services payment accepted!
20 kills - 27$ pc/ 35$ ps4 20 kills+4.000 damage-48$pc/70$ ps4 2.000 damage - 10$ 2.500 damage - 15$ 3.000 damage - 18$ 4.000 damage - 27$ pc/ 35$ ps4 Any challenges - 3$ Triple triple (kill all 3 member of 3 squads in same match ) - 27$ Rapid elemination ( kill 4 enemies within 20 seconds) - 35$ Double duty (win game where u were the Kill leader and Champion) - 12$ 20kills+4.000 damage+Triple triple = 70$ RATING BOOST Bronze 4- Silver 4 17$ PC/ 20$ PS4 Silver 4 - Gold 4 27$ PC/ 32$ PS4 Gold 4 - Platinum 4 45$ PC/ 50$ PS4 Platinum 4 - Daimond 4 75$ PC/ 75$ PS4 Daimond 4 - Predator 180$ PC/ PS4 Boost your kills 100 kills - 19$ 200 kills - 29$ 300 kills - 39$ 400 kills - 49$ 1.000 kills - 99$
20 kills 25$ pc 35$ ps4 20 kills+4.000 damage 45$ pc 70$ ps4 2.000 damage - 10$ 2.500 damage - 15$ 3.000 damage - 18$ 4.000 damage - 25$ pc 35$ ps4 Triple triple (kill all 3 member of 3 squads in same match ) - 35$ Rapid elemination ( kill 4 enemies within 20 seconds) - 50$ Double duty (win game where u were the Kill leader and Champion) - 25$ 20kills+4.000 damage+Triple triple = 70$ Any emblems are also possible, just ask! RATING BOOST Bronze 4- Silver 4 17$ PC 20$ PS4 Silver 4 - Gold 4 25$ PC 32$ PS4 Gold 4 - Platinum 4 40$ PC 50$ PS4 Platinum 4 - Diamond 4 65$ PC 80$ PS4 Diamond 4 - Master 140$ PC 180$ PS4 Boost your kills 100 kills - 19$ 200 kills - 29$ 300 kills - 39$ 400 kills - 49$ 1.000 kills - 99$ Boost your wins 10 wins - 45$ 20 wins - 78$ 30 wins - 90$ 40 wins - 115$ Also you will get a lot kills and maybe rare badges! Week challenges - 20$
UPDATE PRICES 20 kills 25$ pc 35$ ps4 20 kills+4.000 damage 45$ pc 70$ ps4 2.000 damage - 10$ 2.500 damage - 15$ 3.000 damage - 18$ 4.000 damage - 25$ pc 35$ ps4 Triple triple (kill all 3 member of 3 squads in same match ) - 35$ Rapid elemination ( kill 4 enemies within 20 seconds) - 50$ Double duty (win game where u were the Kill leader and Champion) - 25$ 20kills+4.000 damage+Triple triple = 70$ Any emblems are also possible, just ask! RATING BOOST Bronze 4- Silver 4 17$ PC 20$ PS4 Silver 4 - Gold 4 25$ PC 32$ PS4 Gold 4 - Platinum 4 37$ PC 50$ PS4 Platinum 4 - Diamond 4 59$ PC 80$ PS4 Diamond 4 - Master 100$ PC 150$ PS4 Boost your kills 100 kills - 19$ 200 kills - 29$ 300 kills - 39$ 400 kills - 49$ 1.000 kills - 99$ Boost your wins 10 wins - 35$ 20 wins - 60$ 30 wins - 78$ 50 wins - 110$ Also you will get a lot kills and maybe rare badges! Week challenges - 15$