WTS Starter Accounts : SSR 61 (Rank 51) https://imgur.com/a/Gfz7Kqh Limited and noteable chars : S.Io, S.Ilsa, S. Rosetta, S.Jeanne, S.Yuel, Drang, Kata, Io, Lucio, Olivia, Yoda Summons : Shiva, Varuna, Gabriel, Titan, Raphael, Grimnir, Lucifer, Hades Consumable : 4 Sunlight stones, 8 Chocobars, 2 GB SSR 61 : https://imgur.com/a/8kWXH1r Limited and noteable chars : S.Izmir, S.Grea, S.Yuel, S.Naoise, Zodiac Khumbira, Ferry Grand, BK, Olivia Summons: Kaguya, Gabriel x2, Titan, Uriel, Luci x3, Zeus, Baha Consumable : 3 Sunlight stones, 8Chocobars, 2 GB SSR 45 : https://imgur.com/a/9qHy5A1 Limited and noteable chars : Yoda, Eugen Grand, S.Yuel, S.Zeta, S.Naoise, BK, Orchid Summons : Alex, Uriel, Lucifer x2 Additionnal info : Start dash tix has limited chars up to Lucio and Zodiac Anila DM if you are interested for more info. Have fun ! Discord ID: Yoko#6655 # #/YokoSB # .