Sold 500+ Day Veteran Account With 4 Years of Special Event Unlocks And Goodies!

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JamesJess, 6/8/19.

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  1. JamesJess

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    • I was a free to play player since 2015 then became a subscriber a while back to now it has 500 day veteran status. There are years worth of special event rewards including 9 T6 ships and other items. Also there are a lot of c-store items including several starter packs, most playable races unlocked, both new age of discovery bridge officers and several out fits not to mention a collection of c-store promotional redeemable items collected thrue the years. My main character is a federation surian male tactical level 65 with all specialization skills unlocked, all R&D skills are level 15 or higher, all admiralty skills are level 10(with over a hundred ships), Reputations are all level 6(except discovery wich is level 4), He has 41 starships & shuttle's with several open slots remaining. There are 8 other Characters on the account(1. level 65 Gorn Klingon engineer , 2. level 65 Human TOS OFFICER tactical,3. level 65 Jem'hadar Vanguard Federation engineer,4. level 65 Discovery Vulcan tactical,5. level 65 Reman Fed/Rom science,6. level 65 Alien Klingon/Rom tactical,7. level 65 Starfleet Cardassian engineer,8. level 65 Joined-Trill Klingon engineer) and one open slot available. All but the last two have completed all story arcs accept the Discovery missions. There are over a hundred different lock box items spread through the inventory of the characters that are still packed up and therefore trade able or could be sold including several cross faction T5 starships. I really like this account and have spent a lot of time developing and building up the characters but I'm a little OCD and the compulsion to play all 9 characters that have I have massed over the years has become a little to much for me plus I have a brother who's really been kind of a guardian angle to me over the years that I'd like to buy something really cool for his up coming birthday so I could use the cash. If your interested let me know and I can email you a more complete list of all the ships and cool special things I've unlocked for this account over time and answer questions you may have. There's not a lot of currency but a lot of great unlocked things to make some new cool characters with or just have fun playing some of the bad love you ones there are all ready there. I'm still playing this account while I see if anyone is interested in buying it so i'll have to delete some private info on it before I sell it and then we'll probably use the middleman system on this site for the transaction of the account if anyone shows interest.
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  2. OP

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    Here is a list of the unlocked T6 event ships that are unlocked on this account. 1. Vorgon Ryn'kodan carrier 2. Vorgon ytijara dreadnought cruiser 3. Bajoran interceptor 4. Breen rezreth dreadnought cruiser 5. Fek'lhri s'torr warship 6. Ferengi Nandi warship 7. Krenim science vessel 8. Lukari ho'kuun science vessel 9. Vulcan t'pau scout ship. I am willing to negotiate my selling price as long as it's fare.
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