154M might VIP13 42K gems plus another 58K when the trove pays out 12 gold heroes. Big guy, petite devil, dark follower, lore weaver, and mastercook have all been brought but not upgraded so they are all grey grade, except big guy who is green grade. T4 troops unlocked except for Destroyers. 527k troops altogether comprising of 120k t4 heroic fighters, 125k heroic cannoners and 120k ancient drake riders, and 54k each t2 gladiators, sharpshooters and reptillian riders. 3 migration scrolls It is an Android account but I believe can be linked to facebook for use on IOS. Selling for £200 GBP Bitcoin (which i think is around $250 USD). I will accept payment either directly to my coinbase account or if preferred, for your piece of mind, payment can be made via another website where they have either a middleman or bitcoin escrow that you can use. I have my account advertised on this other website as well. Message me on Line for a link to it. They wont let me post it here. I do not accept paypal or payment through here, playerup, due to past issues I rather avoid risking a repeat of. My Line ID is firehawk80 if anyone wants to get in touch there with any questions but I will not sell through any "line middleman" as they are not official, verified, or safe.
Still for sell. Now at 155M might. Will be attempting to continue to grow the account until sold. Genuine seller, I just don't have the time to dedicate to the game any more. Price is #