Heya, i'm selling a 5.4k TS Char with full Earthen Set, Bassault and Twitch (T10), 3/4 Trophy, 2/4 Urgoff, Tankrunes, Tankmount leg. in addition there's a full t10 Inferno set with 2 parts merciless, 4/4 Astaroth Diadem, 3/4 Boiguh, all Runes leg, all enchants leg t10, DPS Mount leg. Remruade +5 x2, Bobodom +5, Wemmbo +5 x2, Korgz +5. Big Familiar stash for past and future fusions. Running all WB, T/G on actual set level, Raids etc flawless. massive friendlist with top10 players, worthy community name. There are 3x 250% boosts, 5 bubgors, 12 super scrolls, 2 exp tomes, 1 capture tome, 20 raid baskets, 2 ticket rolls, 5 badge plaques and 16 energy packs in inventory. It has all the fancy cosmetics u can buy in packs. The account is missing 3 mythics for starweave at the very moment, can change daily. Plenty of mats avaiable too, 21 prostalks, 3,5k t9 mats and 1,1k t10 mats (changing daily) so youre ready to t10 sw. There are much more mats, the above just for example
Weave is now t10, tanking with 3/4 earthen might 2/4 apocalypse. bassault and twitch in inventory. dps 3/4 Inferno 2/4 reptilio 4th inferno and 4th earthen set piece in invetory