Sold Top25 Castle

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by K11, 7/7/19.

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  1. K11

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    My Location:
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    sell my Baby -.-
    52 mio Power, 59 Commander, Champion Set all Epic, TG Rank 1, Research on Lvl 9, 730k T3, 374k Hospitalcapacity and many more.

    Commanders Gold:

    Gorell, Chris, Arya, Sheila, Melisandre

    Purple: Soren

    Blue: Kevin, Robb, Haley, Andrea, Theon, Sansa, Varys

    Green: Jaene, Arslan, Russel, Meranda, Jamie, Raymond, Laila, Laena, Feis, Kravras, Sinara

    Grey: Merrel, Robert, Tyrion

    Cercei 6/10


    Armee: 17.5 mio
    Wall: 451k
    Build: 8.1 mio
    Research: 15.96 mio
    Lord: 4.4 mio
    Commandants: 4.597 mio
    Vip: 11
    lvl 59: 8.6 mio of 21.2 mio

    14k dias in iron Bank
    10k in stock atm

    Great Buildings all on 25
    only HoF, Market, Warehouse and MaesterTower on 24

    outer Buildings:

    1 Barrack 25
    7 Hospitals 25
    2 Hospitals 20
    4 Mints 25
    1 Mint 20 and 1 16

    Building Speed with talents: 244.7%
    Research Speed with talents : 167,8%
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