For sale main account SH31 and 3 farms SH27 (89mln), SH20 (40mln), SH17(20mln) Fire Lord armour all +3 ( one +4 ) - 12 chaos stones - 6 soul stones Gold izolda with wolf armour Wealth set Stone of wizdom set lvl 2 All rare radiant atifacts + one master summoned not created 11 statues of hell rest are stormy 1,2mln army T1-T10 including more than 600k T10 Army % 750, 811, 821 Infantry % 1547, 1758, 1730 Cavalry % 1362, 1632, 1594 Bowmen % 1463, 1733, 1700 The best Polish account in the kingdom and TOP10 power and fight ability. For more details just mail me.