Sold WTS R 181 acc with lots of limiteds, 7 pages of SSR, all eternals unlocked, plus rainbow pools

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Red_Antares, 6/30/19.

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  1. /u/Red_Antares

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    Due to real life issues I need to sell my account, it has a lot of limiteds, all eternals unlocked (skin included), decent pools for all eles and Alanaan almost unlocked. All classes unlocked cept Doctor.

    Here's pics of the acc:

    Asking $450 for it, but I accept offers. Only accpeting paypal with f&f option. (buyer goes first). Drop me a msg here or on my discord if you are interested or want more info on the account, I will answer faster on discord.

    Discord: Antares#2416

    # #/Red_Antares
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