Sold Rank 79+ / 28K Crystals / 60 SSR Units + Costumes / 5th Birthday Weapon Exchange & More

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Chakoi, 6/28/19.

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  1. /u/Chakoi

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    I've only been casually playing the game with events and just been collecting everything I can. I'm starting to lose the time to play this game so I'm just looking to sell this for relatively cheap. (Values of items or crystals will increase as with events / logins)

    - Rank 79

    - 28k Crystals

    - Lots of materials untouched because I never bothered to upgrade much- Everything else included with the SS I hope as there is too much for me to figure out.

    There may be some other SSR weapons in the stash or if you want any other extra information that I may have missed out, then add me on Discord.


    Discord ID: DryOcotopus#0111

    # #/Chakoi
    # .
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