Sold WTS Rank 203 account

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Christemo, 6/22/19.

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  1. /u/Christemo

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    WTS Rank 203 (Mobage account)

    Paypal only. Starting at 1300$ but I'm willing to go down.

    Discord ID: Christemo#1337 I'm available all day, CET.

    >401 chars, 10 Grand/Flash chars, 2 Zodiacs, 9 seasonal chars, every Collab character (except pre-2017 idols), 1 Evoker

    >MLB Funf, 9 FLB Juuten (all materials including gold bar gathered for Funf except silver weapon shards)

    >All M2 grids, primal earth, fire, water, have Zeph. Excalibur

    Luci HL Earth cleared once, 6 FLB Opus

    Shop Stock: GB 0, Dama 7

    No Dama bars, 20 dama crystals. No Sunstones

    Notable Summons: ULB Lucifer, FLB Morrigna and Athena, 3* Agni, 3* Varuna, 3* Demi Titan, 3* Uriel, 0* Gabriel, 0* Raphael, MLB Huang and Qilin, 1* Shiva, 2* Alexiel, 1* Typhon, 1* Thor

    ULB Tower, Devil, Hanged Man (100 Astras to Caim), MLB (not SSR) Sun Temperance Justice Star

    45k crystals, 50 tickets, 1 10-ticket, 11 event tickets that don't count towards spark.

    40000 arcapoints, ton of quartz and supplies (not screenshotted but I can if you need me to), 6.5 mil rupees

    Whale weapons including 3 edens, 1 gamba, 2 fallen sword, 1 blutgang, 2 mirror shards, 2 FLB Drang balls 1 0star, 1 FLB Ixaba, 1 0star, FLB m4 1 0star, FLB Murgleis 1 0star

    (All classes except Soldier and Nekomancer)

    # #/Christemo
    # .
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