Sold GoT:WiC 190M BR (120M research), all t4s (troops & forts), 9 gold commanders

Discussion in 'Game of Thrones GoT Winter is Coming Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elisto, 6/19/19.

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  1. Elisto

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    After spending months on that game, logging in hours per day since day one (of official launch), I'm ready to move on a sell it for a reasonable price. I do not desperately need the money, I am not bored of the game, I am still very fond of my alliance, I'm just ready to move on and maybe start afresh on a f2p account. If I get a reasonable "return on investment", that is.

    Account details, at the time of writing :
    - World Top 60 in BR
    - All buildings lv 25 (only quarries and mines are not ALL 25)
    - 750k t4s + 850k t3s spread on all troop types, 400k hospital capacity
    - Kingdom no. 1 in TG (ie. 500 dias every 3h) for over two weeks
    - Customer level 5 at Merchant ship
    - All commanders who I've unlocked are at level 60. Gold commanders (all fully equipped) : Kevin, Robb, Gorell, Chris, Jaime, Arya, Soren, Sheila, Melisandre. Purple : Theon. Blue : Margaery, Sansa, Raymond, Feis, Varys. Green : Andrea, Baelish, Merrel, Kravas. Grey : Leila, Russell, Haley, Tyrion (13/20), Jeane, Arslan, Robert.
    - Wall 1.9M, plus 125k t4 fortifications
    - 6 gear sets unlocked, 6 talent sets unlocked
    - 500M+ grain, 600M+ wood, 500M+ stone, 700M+ iron, 65M gold
    - WW 8/8 normal all 3 stars, 7/7 elite 3 stars, 8/8 elite completed, not 3 stars.

    With over $ 7,000 spent on the game, I'll let go of it for just under that amount, making it a fair transaction : I can properly move on, and you'll get quite the buffed account for less money than what I put in, without the time invested on it in the past 2-3 months.
    #1 Elisto, 6/19/19
    Last edited: 6/19/19
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