TOP 50 TOURNAMENT ACCOUNT Lvl 114 almost 115 Top skills: BLADE SHARDS UNHOLY RITES MUDDLE CONVALESCE MANY 5 STAR HEROES LVL 9/10 TOP HEROES: 1 TWILIGHT RONIN LVL 4 protection 7; G.T;DIVINE SHIELD 1 DRUIDRESS LVL8 protection9;Lucidity;divine shield 1 DRUIDRESS LVL7 protection9;Lucidity;G.T 1 VILE SONGSTERER LVL 10. protection 9;lucidity;G.T 1 TASKMISTRESS LVL 9 MANY TOP CREATURES, MANY MANY REV AND REC2. THE MOST IMPORTANT ARE: 3 Dark Summoner ( 1 immu 10) 6 ACQUARIUS (1 45% meld Rec2) 3 OCTAVIUS ( 1 REC2) 5 PARAGON (3 immu 10) 1 HANZO IMMU 10 AND MORE,MORE,MORE 1 DRAGON LANCER IMMU 10 MANY RUNES, THE MOST IMPORTANT ARE: 2 TORMENT lvl 10 2 Revive Rune (1 lvl 10;1 lvl 7) 1 DIAMOND DUST lvl 1p Concled lvl 10 V-STAR REB lvl 7 Many Vitality protean violence and sacrifice lvl 7/8 MANY HERO RUNES Lvl 6/7/8 MOST IMPORTANT: 2 initial rage lvl 10 for druidress ARTIFACT: CRIMSON LOTUS LVL4 ZWEIHANDER LVL3 SPIRIT REAPER LVL3 WARLORD'S BAND LVL4 MANY SHARDS OF CREATURES AND HEROES 40000 GEMS 60000 L.P. Momoya point: 14042 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT ME
Yes,no gems , prize is 205 $ but I have received and I am waiting for payment, if it should not go well I will keep you in mind, bye
Be careful! This scum from Croatia (Zagreb). He will try to # your account. And he will call you from the number +12024558888, which is used by the scum to automatically change the password of your account.
Hello everyone, why the account of this game is very cheap, I remember almost 2 years ago, this game is crowded and account has high price. What happend. Is it still a lot people playing this game.