C31 full dh+5, 1.4M troops, 1000-1150% stats D'artagnan 4 star lvl 46; kitty 5 star lvl 50; Blanchet 5 star lvl 41; Benoit 5 star lvl 40; Dominique 5 star lvl 40 Captain treville 4 star lvl 40. Airship lvl 57; 2 epic gold canon and rare gold for the others. 2 farms without troops c22+c18 all items in catacombs trader and lvl 10 in spirit mine for the c22. 4 precious nobility gems attk, 2 basic nobility +6 and 2 heroïsm stone +6 and nobility+5 for the rest. Strategy cannons of Devastation +5 For more inf, pm