Hello No time to play anymore due to work. PRICE: €70 / $78 Pictures are too large so message me if you want to see them through discord or mail. A bit of info; 10 6* mons 15+ Nat 5 Evo 3: Dark Indra Var lvl 6 + Costume Wat Varuna Var Wood Jeanne Var Light Nike Var + Costume Light Miho Var Fire Leo Light Hana ..... Light Odin contract @ lvl 45 GB10 DB10 with 2-3 continues Wat Odin Var Wat / Wood / Fire Balrona Some Perse Dark Snow White Dark Seastar Tons of 4* Payement only Through PayPall Friends & Family If you want a middleman you pay his fee. You will get the Facebook. account linked & the email from the Facebook. account. Google play account is deleted (since it had too much personal info to give away) but can't remove it from msl. email: [email protected] Discord: Andreas#1198