I'M AWARE THIS IS MUCH CHEAPER THAN IT SHOULD BE, I'M JUST DESPERATE TO SELL THE ACCOUNT. It is linked to a dummy facebook. and ready to be linked with Google. Rank 188. Been playing since Day 1 of the beta, every single day without fail, at over 1100 consecutive login days. I've been almost completely f2p, just buying a few of the Fountain of Lapis deals and a couple of other irresistible bundles. Complete clean account, and I've been TMR farming since the first couple months of the game. I have EVERY event item minus 3 - Shining Sword (lol), The Little General, (a decent gun, but I feel asleep on the last day of the mission and it kicked me out of the quest), and one more event where I missed the last stage on it for falling asleep. With the re-runs they've been doing, I'm sure it'll come up again. I've made multiple of most of the event limited gear, or at the least, saved a large amount of each of the custom build materials for making them (or making more of them). I'm a little behind on the story so there's Lapis to be had there. I also have all of my Espers max level, though I'm missing the last few. I have TONS of pots and cactuars. max money (100m), including hundreds of Platinum Armor for future money, so that will never be an issue. 9+ 100% ALL Moogles, ~10+ of each Maxxed King Pot and dozens of regular and mini of each, 15+ Maxxed King Burst Pots. 5,000 Lapis, 28 3* EX Tickets, 14 4* EX Tickets, and THREE 5* EX Ticket, 123 regular tickets, 55 4*+ tickets), and 30 UoC tickets (gotten every one minus one, spent 10 on a second T. Terra). LINK TO ALL UNITS FROM EXVIUS.GG -> 1337haXX's Characters · Final Fantasy Brave Exvius · ExviusDB
EDIT: I'll be accepting payment through PayPal. I have many online accounts on different sites with hundreds of successful trades and sales I'll be happy to link to. I'm not looking to tarnish those accounts over one game account, so when I receive payment first I'll send the account credentials.