1. Date Dispute Happened Example: June 11, 2019 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller Example: I'm the Seller 3. Total Transaction Value Example: $25 USD 4. Other Parties Username itzcole03 5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment Example: PayPal 6. Other Parties Email Addresses [email protected] 7. Other Parties Payment Email Address [email protected] 8. Other Parties Messenger Username itzcole03 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below PS: The deal was made of site via PayPal, the person is demanding something that wasnt on the Listing description, He came here and left a bad feedback, ist fair to leave bad feedback if they buy ofsite. Is there any way to remove my bad feedback, I did everything right, hess being unfair, I have the chat logs. i just need it removed please its unfair its bad for business I already have new costumers afraid to buy from me because of the bad feedback
Exploiting you? That's hilarious. Along with my other post, here is more proof of your bs : It doesn't matter what YOU thought forsaken meant, because since it's DLC and on a gaming thread, anyone with a brain is going to think you mean the DLC. It was the only reason I bought it. I messaged you IMMEDIATELY after finding out, and in the past three days I think I've got a total of four messages from you. Each being an excuse, with the last saying you can't give a refund because the cash is already in hand, BUT you'll buy me DLC if I take my negative feedback off? And again, you edited your title to remove 'DLC' from it. The site mods/admins can see this.
Its not my fault man, when people come to me they ask "is it still available", "is this your post", "does it have dlcs", "is it full access". Ofcourse now im tring to get you erasing the feedback, the only way is try to make a deal for you about the expoloiting thing, there wasnt any prefix related to remove feedback
and I told ya, the main reason why I dont refund is because the account data is not chaengeable so if I give you a refund, you can still keep playing on the account
It is 100% your fault. YOU MISLED ME. Also known as SCAM. Not only about the DLC, but also the warranty. The account is NOT what is was supposed to be yet you still won’t honor your sh!t and give me my deserved refund.