Selling  Level 95+  Android and iOS Selling 18.5billion BR genuine account VIP11

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mohd Aakib, 6/7/19.

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  1. Mohd Aakib

    Mohd Aakib
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    I am selling my 18.5 B Br Account on an HKT server. The Account is now more then 2 years old and has good stats, lvl 12 Wings, most of the wings are activated, red skywings full twilight set . The server is active, but i stop playing now because i have no more time to play. The Account is on pvp rank 5.

    I can send photos or videos to interested buyers.

    I have spent more then 5000$ on this account and selling it just at 900$(#)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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