[Selling] [eu mystel] level 65 fishing account packs

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by willamethysst, 6/7/19.

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  1. willamethysst

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    Basic Pack 15€

    Level 65 Brawler
    Rod V
    Bait III
    Whiskers I or II at random
    Delivery time: 2-3 days or no delivery time if I already have one account ready

    Webp.net-resizeimage (1).png
    Starter Pack 20€

    Level 65 Brawler
    Rod V
    Bait IV
    Whiskers II
    Fish Crate II
    Delivery time: 2-3 days or no delivery time if I already have one account ready

    Webp.net-resizeimage (2).png
    Premium Pack 25€

    Level 65 Brawler
    Rod VI
    Bait V
    Whiskers II
    Silver Siglo Design
    Delivery time: 3-4 days or no delivery time if I already have one account ready

    Webp.net-resizeimage (3).png
    Pro Pack 80€

    Level 65 Brawler
    Rod VIII
    Bait V
    Whiskers III
    Silver Siglo Design
    100x Fish Salad 40k
    Delivery time: about 5 days. It's a really long process and requires time!

    All accounts are leveled by hand. Fishing done by #! When you'll buy a pack you'll also receive the Fishing # link if you don't have it already.

    You can purchase level 65 accounts only for 10€ on any server.
    Deivery time starts from the moment I confirm the order. Payment is done after the delivery with the exception of the Pro Pack which requires 10€ in advance.

    PayPal only!
    Attached Images
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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